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"Eph Only": O.C.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


I think i'm gonna love this semester..or should I say I must love this sem 'coz like I said in my previous post, it's gonna be my last! I don't know..I just got super o.c. since the start of June. I was actually one of the first few who managed to finish the graduation application process during the enrollment week, while other graduating students were too busy doing other stuff. Well, yes, June 27's the deadline but then, why not try to accomplish something earlier than rushing things on the actual deadline?
Another proof of my o.c.-ness is that I worked on my GE 119(Property Surveying) and GE 172(Geodetic Adjustment II) homeworks the day after they were given. Isn't that weird? I mean i'm not really like that..before, I'd rather consult my orgmates/classmates first before starting to answer assignments('coz I didn't want to waste time and effort, like i'll end up with a wrong solution). And these homeworks need rigorous solution methods like interpolation and some statistical analysis. I managed to finish them in just a day..which is not normal, i tell you! Haay, is this because i'm "graduating"?? Do graduating students need to become obsessive compulsive?... I guess so.. I guess "we" have to do almost everything or at least have this assurance that there will be no "next sem/s". If "we" could be exempted in all of our subjects, we'd be ready not to sleep for consecutive days just to hit the target grade! or at least ask sample exams from the guy next to my seat(whom I've never even tried to speak with previously coz of reasons like: he's from a rival org/he's too maporma/just did not feel like talking to him).
See? you should actually do never-been-done things just to graduate, especially when you have no more cards in your hand..If i have to kiss my prof's ass just to be included in the final list of grad studes, I'd actually do that! haha


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